Title: Perillyl alcohol (NEO100), a monoterpene with versatile applications for cancer therapy
Title: Hydrogen sulfide and substance P: Novel mediators and therapeutic targets for acute pancreatitis
Title: Emerging formulation and delivery applications of vitamin E TPGS
Title: Unveiling the binding interactions of selected antimalarial drugs with major plasma transporter
Title: Pharmacokinetic properties of TNX-102 SL, a sublingual formulation of cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride
Title: Surface chemistry and particle interactions in materials and their impact on powder performance
Title: Mannitol as eutectic forming agent for improved sublingual delivery of Cyclobenzaprine HCl
Title: Crystallographic in pharmaceutical filed: new frontiers
Title: Understanding ABC transporters to navigate human diseases
Title: Global drug development - Trends, challenges and opportunities
Title: Why we need to advance from data focus to knowledge focus for managing healthcare transformation?
Title: Drug design for the development of long-acting injectables
Title: Hybrid compounds: A useful strategy to overcome limited pharmaceutical profile
Title: Innovations in DNA and RNA vaccine technology their impact on treatment efficacy and delivery
Title: Health risks associated with exposure to organic sunscreens during pregnancy
Title: An enteric capsule for oral drug delivery made from natural materials
Title: Lipid media with supercritical CO2 for promoted formation of itraconazole cocrystals
Title: Structural scheme of an electro magneto elastic actuator for nanomedical research
Title: Computational modelling for enhanced drug delivery in drug-coated balloon treatment
Title: Gastrointestinal performance simulation system for the analysis of eltrombopag formulations
Title: Design and development of controlled release systems: Versatility in drug formulation
Title: Microemulsion based in situ gel of Erythromycin for Ocular Ailments
Title: Telomere length, inflammatory markers and oxidative stress in pre-eclamptic women
Title: Unveiling green chemistry: Exploring sustainable practices
Title: Novel chromogenic method as a sensitive technique in estimating analytes
Title: Synthetic antimicrobial peptides as potent therapeutic agents
Title: Novel 2, 5-disubstituted oxadiazole scaffolds act as potential antitumour and antibacterial agents
Title: The impact of climate change on medicinal plant availability and efficacy
Title: Structure elucidation of drug targets through homology modeling in the AI era
Title: Polymeric-based formulation for intelligent drug delivery
Title: Design and assessment of transdermal delivery system containing Levodopa-Loaded Nanoparticles
Title: Breakthrough, fast, precise and inexpensive 3D bioprinting of organoids and blood vessels
Title: Application of nanotechnology for treatment of human bone joints with severe injuries
Title: Gastrointestinal performance simulation system for the analysis of eltrombopag formulations
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