Title: Intranasal drug delivery: Perillyl Alcohol/NEO100 for glioblastoma leads the way
Title: Understanding ABC transporters to navigate human diseases
Title: An immunoactive polymer mediates nucleic acids delivery for cancer immunotherapy
Title: Drug Delivery to the Brain using Engineered Protein Capsules (EnPCs®)
Title: API characterization – why dissolution testing can help you learn more about Active Ingredient.
Title: Method for tailoring diabetes simulator for optimal in silico trial in target populations
Title: Hydrogen Sulfide: A Stinky Gas….. and Novel Therapeutic Target for Inflammatory Disease
Title: The effect of commercially available DPIs on respiratory drug aerosolization
Title: Arsenate target specific cell death mechanism in normal and tumoral breast cancer cell lines
Title: Acetylcholinesterase and ATPases: Targets of biologically active compounds
Title: A new approach based on glycyrrhizic acid for allergen delivery in allergen-specific therapy
Title: Chlorine dioxide as root canal irrigation solution in endodontic treatment
Title: Vaccines against rotavirus, data based on a study for safety and efficacy
Title: Advanced cancer diagnosis and therapy using carbon nanodots/tetrapyrrolic macrocycles conjugates
Title: Medicine waste pollution: A Brazilian view about pharmacopollution and public health
Title: APE-1 redox activity inhibition impacts dopaminergic system in inflammatory pain condition
Title: A novel drug delivery system: Fast dissolving film containing niosomes
Title: Latest trends in Bio-degradation of Xenobiotics for cleaning up the environment
Title: Formulation and evaluation of tablet containing different variety of native starches
Title: Monograph on Butea monosperma (Palas): An important plant for Lac cultivation
Title: Development and in-vitro evaluation of K-carrageenan bead for sustained delivery of Repaglinide
Title: Aryl Amine content determination in different Indian brands of hair dyes by analytical techniques
Title: Self microemulsifying systems based topical lipstick of antifungal agent
Title: Formulation and evaluation of Escitalopram loaded bio nanosuspension for brain specificity.
Title: An insight to anti-acne potentials: In-vitro, ex-vivo and in-vivo models
Title: Characteristic features of essential oil composition in selected genus of Ocimum sanctum
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