Title : Chlorine dioxide as root canal irrigation solution in endodontic treatment
Root canal treatment applied to inflamed teeth is a dental treatment method that aims to keep the natural tooth in the mouth by fulfilling its functional, phonetic, and aesthetic functions. For this purpose, the removal of all vital or necrotic tissues, microorganisms, and microbial by-products from the infected root canal system is important in the success of endodontic treatment. Irrigation is very important in achieving chemomechanical debridement, as the complex anatomy of the root canal system limits effective cleaning and disinfection. There are many root canal irrigation solutions with different contents and properties in endodontics. Sodium hypochlorite, which has widespread use as an irrigation solution in endodontics, has features such as a strong antimicrobial effect, easy accessibility, tissue dissolving capacity, and low viscosity. However, due to the chemical and cytotoxic effects of sodium hypochlorite, the search for alternative irrigation solutions is still ongoing. Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is considered a possible root canal irrigation alternative to sodium hypochlorite due to its broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity, tissue dissolution, and smear layer removal properties. ClO2 is a biocompatible disinfectant, oxidizing agent, and bleaching solution used in many fields. It is used in the veterinary, medical, food industry, water treatment, surface disinfection, and dental care products. It has bactericidal and virucidal activity, and it is stated to be a powerful antiviral agent that may be useful in reducing COVID-19 infection. It is suggested in the therapy of numerous diseases such as COVID-19, cancer, malaria, and autism but careful use is emphasized regarding its potential clinical harms. This presentation aims to review the properties of chlorine dioxide as an endodontic root canal irrigation solution, with an emphasis on its benefits, drawbacks, and clinical applications.