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Speaker at Pharmaceutical Conference - Maria Cristina Gamberini
University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Title : Crystallographic in pharmaceutical filed: new frontiers


Most commonly produced and marketed drugs are formulated with the pharmacologically active ingredient in solid form (crystalline or amorphous). The solid form is carefully chosen for its characteristics, to increase the stability of the drug, facilitate its formulation, optimize its dosage and simplify the use method. Now the importance of research (aimed at identifying, preparing and formulating new drugs) is recognized, both in the academic and productive fields, the pharmaceutical chemist is delegated with the task of finding new and rapid methods of investigation of solid forms. In this study, some aspects of the theory of crystal chemistry of drugs, techniques for identification and characterization are discussed and some examples of crystallization and characterization of drugs are reported. The frontier of knowledge in the development of new "crystallographic" theories constitutes the powerful numerical algorithms for data analysis. Today synchrotrons, computing power and new approaches to the structural problem in the pharmaceutical field are starting to have a new vision in the pharmaceutical crystal chemistry.
Keywords: crystallographic, chemical characterization pharmaceutical solid forms, algoritms.
Audience Take Away Notes:

  • Knowledge of aspects of the theory of crystal chemistry of drugs
  • Increase in knowledge of characterizations of pharmaceutical compounds
  • Knowledge in the frontier of the development of new "crystallographic" theories


Maria Cristina Gamberini has a degree in Chemistry, her first period abroad at the Polytechnic of Lausanne has been dedicated to the study of nanomaterials using spectroscopic techniques. She is professor at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in the Medicinal Analysis Laboratory for the degree course in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies. She has published more than 60 articles H-Index 22 in SCI(E) journals.
