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Speaker at Pharma Conferences - Preeti Sharma
Autonomous State Government Medical College, India
Title : Telomere length, inflammatory markers and oxidative stress in pre-eclamptic women


Introduction: Preeclampsia(PE) is pregnancy related syndrome which is mainly by gestational hypertension with proteinuria. it affects 2 to 10 % of pregnant women. Improper maternal spiral artery remodelling leads to decreased perfusion to the placenta. Hypoxic placental organ may release micro vesicles(apoptotic cell/atheromatous plaques), which promotes exaggerated inflammation causing increased CRP, IL 6, TNF alpha, and oxidative stress (OS)markers (MDA) into circulation. Aim : Aim is to find out relationship between the telomere length, markers of inflammation, and Oxidative Stress in preeclamptic women.
Methods: A case-control study included PE cases (n=90) and controls (n=70). RT-PCR measured relative telomere length (RTL) as a T/S ratio. Serum levels of Malondialdehyde (MDA) and C-reactive protein (CRP) by using competitive ELISA and uric acid (UA) levels by autoanalyzer. 
Results: RTL is significantly(p=.000) reduced in PE compared to control. MDA, CRP, and Uric acid levels significantly(p=.000) increased in cases than in control. Telomere length decreased with the rise in BP, and CRP, MDA, and UA levels increased significantly with an increase in BP. Therefore, we planned to explore the association between telomere length, inflammation, and oxidative stress with every ten mmHg increase in BP. 
Conclusion: Increasing BP by ten mmHg led to shorter Telomere Length and increased MDA, CRP, and UA levels. Therefore, increasing BP is associated with shorter telomere length, oxidative stress, and inflammation in PE.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • The current study concludes with an association of RTL, MDA, GSH, ET1, IL6, TNF alpha, CRP and Uric acid in PE patients. A positive association was seen for RTL, MDA, GSH, ET1, IL6, TNF alpha, CRP and Uric acid levels with increasing BP
  • This study may provide link between oxidative stress and inflammation with a reduction in telomere length that leads to the pathophysiology of PE
  • We suggest based on our study, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory drugs may help in reducing incidence of preeclampsia


Motivating and talented Biochemistry Professor, driven to inspire students to pursue academic and personal excellence. Exceptional track record of research success with multiple published articles. Dr. Preeti Sharma is currently working at Autonomous State Medical College, Fatehpur, UP, India, deeply involved in teaching and research. Her area of research has been interdisciplinary including Drug Metabolism, Pharmacokinetics and Inflammatory Markers, Immunology. She has more than 140 publications with high citation and few in phase of communication. She also wrote 2 books, and guided and coguided many MD and Ph.D students. She is member of various professional bodies and has participated and presented number of papers in national and international conferences.  She is frequently invited as international speaker. She is awarded with many international and National Scientific Awards for exceptional contribution to research & teaching.
