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Speaker at Drug Delivery Events - Andre Luiz Pereira
Hemominas Foundation, Brazil
Title : From medicationalization to pharmaco pollution: Raising awareness on the hidden Costs of overprescribing


The overprescription of pharmaceuticals, a phenomenon known as medicationalization, has led to unintended environmental consequences, contributing to the rising issue of pharmacopollution. This article explores the intricate relationship between medicationalization and pharmacopollution, emphasizing the urgent need for awareness and action. It examines how the excessive use of medications not only affects human health but also contaminates ecosystems, leading to widespread environmental damage. By analyzing current practices and offering solutions for more sustainable pharmaceutical use, this paper highlights the critical importance of promoting responsible prescribing habits to mitigate the hidden costs of overprescribing. The article calls for increased public awareness and stronger policy measures to address these interconnected challenges, ensuring a healthier future for both people and the planet.
Audience Take Away Notes:

  • By understanding the connection between medicationalization and pharmacopollution, the audience will gain insights into the broader implications of overprescribing practices. This knowledge can empower healthcare professionals, policymakers, and environmental advocates to take actionable steps toward more responsible medication use and disposal. Attendees will learn strategies for promoting sustainable prescribing habits, such as advocating for policy changes, implementing educational programs for patients and healthcare providers, and supporting research into environmentally-friendly pharmaceutical alternatives. Ultimately, the audience will be equipped to contribute to reducing the environmental and societal impacts of overprescribing, fostering a healthier ecosystem and community
  • Healthcare providers can use this information to improve prescribing practices, reducing unnecessary medication use and minimizing the risk of contributing to pharmacopollution. Policymakers and administrators can leverage these insights to craft regulations and guidelines that promote sustainable pharmaceutical practices. Environmental professionals can use the knowledge to advocate for stronger environmental protections and collaborate with the healthcare sector to mitigate contamination risks. Overall, this understanding will help the audience enhance their professional impact by aligning their practices with the goals of public health, environmental sustainability, and ethical responsibility
  • This research provides valuable insights that other faculty can use to expand their own research or enhance their teaching
  • This provides a practical solution to a problem that could simplify or enhance a designer’s workflow, making their job more efficient
  • It will provide new information to assist in a design problem

List all other benefits:
Attendees involved in policymaking will gain evidence-based insights that can inform the creation of regulations aimed at reducing pharmacopollution. This could include policies that encourage responsible prescribing, promote safe disposal of medications, and support the development of eco-friendly pharmaceuticals. By understanding the link between overprescribing and environmental contamination, healthcare professionals can contribute to reducing the overall burden on public health, leading to fewer cases of drug-related side effects and environmental exposure to harmful substances. The insights gained can foster collaboration between healthcare, environmental, and policy sectors, leading to more comprehensive and effective approaches to managing the impacts of pharmaceutical use


Dr Pereira has a Ph.D in Sanitation, Environment and Water Resources (Federal University of Minas Gerais – UFMG, Brazil), Master in Administration – reverse logistics (FUMEC University), and bachelor in Administration (UESB). Author of international articles, such as Environ Sci Pollut Res and others. Author of “Reverse Logistics and Sustainability” (Cengage) and “Solid Waste Management and Management” (Juris Lumen). Top 6 Fedex Reverse Logistics Professional 2014 Award and Top 3 9th Public Management Award. Dr Pereira also has experience in Germany and Brazil. Dr Pereira is Springer Nature, Pan American Journal of public Health Journal and Waste Management reviewer.
