HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Valencia, Spain or Virtually from your home or work.

Pharmacogenetics is the study of variations in medication reactions in patients caused by variations in the genetic sequences that control those responses. Genes relating to enzymes involved and intracellular targets for medications are among some of these genes. The effectiveness of customised therapy depends critically on understanding the complicated interaction between genotype variations brought on by polymorphism or mutations, together with the corresponding gene expression patterns and phenotypic outcomes. In the future, personalised medicine, which involves prescribing medicines based on a patient's biological and genetic profile, may become the standard. Utilizing pharmacogenetics can assist physicians in safely and effectively prescribing medications, particularly for medications with a limited therapeutic index.

Committee Members
Speaker at Pharmaceutical Conference - Consolato M Sergi

Consolato M Sergi

Universities of Alberta and Ottawa, Canada
Speaker at Drug Delivery Events - Vladlen Slepak

Vladlen Slepak

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, United States
Speaker at Drug Delivery Events -  Andreas M Papas

Andreas M Papas

Antares Health Products, United States
Speaker at Drug Delivery Events - Sergey Suchkov

Sergey Suchkov

The Russian University of Medicine and Russian Academy of Natural Science-Moscow, Russian Federation

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