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Vaccine Design and Drug Delivery Technology
  • Immunotherapy and Vaccines
  • Novel Vaccine Drug Delivery Systems

The term “vaccine” was coined by Louis Pasteur and derived from “Vacca”, meaning cow the term devised by Edward Jenner to denote cowpox. A vaccine is defined as a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular disease and typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is often made from the exhaust or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins, or one of its surface proteins.

Vaccines have two major effects:

a) Vaccines protect individuals against disease.

b) If there are sufficient immune individuals in populations, the transmission of the infection is prevented. This is known as herd immunity.

Vaccine Design mainly includes the Production of vaccines and has several stages.

Firstly, the antigen itself is generated and Viruses are grown either on primary cells such as chicken eggs (e.g., for influenza), or on continuous cell lines such as cultured human cells (e.g., for hepatitis A). Bacteria are grown in bioreactors (e.g., haemophilic influenza type B).

Alternatively, a recombinant protein will be derived from the viruses or bacteria can be generated in yeast, bacteria, or cell cultures.

Strategies in vaccine design include:

  • Manipulate Cytokine environment
  • Use appropriate antigen-presenting cells
  • Use immunogenic portions of the antigen
  • Engineer the antigen to optimize immunity
  • Make “self” more immunogenic.

Vaccine drug delivery system is the preparations given to patients to evoke immune responses that leading to the production of antibodies or cell-mediated responses that will help in combating infectious agents or non-infectious conditions such as malignancies.

The three categories of Vaccine delivery system include:

  • Adjuvants and formulations
  • Antigen vectors, including live attenuated micro-organisms and synthetic vectors
  • Novel devices for vaccine administration.
Committee Members
Speaker at Pharmaceutical Conference - Thomas J. Webster

Thomas J. Webster

Mansfield Bioincubator, United States
Speaker at Pharmaceutical Conference - Consolato M Sergi

Consolato M Sergi

University of Ottawa, Canada
Speaker at Drug Delivery Events - Sergey Suchkov

Sergey Suchkov

The Russian University of Medicine and Russian Academy of Natural Science-Moscow, Russian Federation
Speaker at Pharma Conferences - Saad Tayyab

Saad Tayyab

UCSI University, Malaysia
PDDS 2024 Speakers
Speaker at Drug Delivery Events -  Andreas M Papas

Andreas M Papas

Antares Health Products, United States
Speaker at Pharma Conferences - Luis Jesus Villarreal Gomez

Luis Jesus Villarreal Gomez

FCITEC - Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexico
Speaker at Pharmaceutical Conference - Thomas Ullrich

Thomas Ullrich

Novartis Biomedical Research, Switzerland
Speaker at Pharma conferences - Afonin S.M

Afonin S.M

National Research University of Electronic Technology, Russian Federation
Speaker at Drug Delivery Events - Miroslav Radenkovic

Miroslav Radenkovic

University of Belgrade, Serbia
Speaker at Pharma conferences - Priya Hays

Priya Hays

Hays Documentation Specialists, LLC, United States

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