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Kinetics of drug Disposition

A one-compartment open model is developed at the subcellular level for the disposition phase of pharmacokinetics employing the temporal hierarchy of the processes controlling the destiny of pharmaceuticals in biosystems (absorption, transport, distribution, protein binding, and elimination). The resultant disposition function denotes the intracellular distribution of pharmaceuticals according to their hydrophobicity, acidity or basicity, affinity to proteins, and rate parameters of elimination. The literature data are well fit by structure-activity correlations based on the function that incorporate extra thermodynamic interactions (fixed-time bioactivity-hydrophobicity profiles, kinetics of microbial degradation of organic compounds, and kinetics of analgesic effects of fentanyl derivatives in rats). It is addressed how the method may be used to biosystems of various levels of complexity and serve as a foundation for the development of quantitative structure-time-activity relationships based on models.

Committee Members
Speaker at Pharmaceutical Conference - Consolato M Sergi

Consolato M Sergi

Universities of Alberta and Ottawa, Canada
Speaker at Drug Delivery Events - Vladlen Slepak

Vladlen Slepak

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, United States
Speaker at Drug Delivery Events -  Andreas M Papas

Andreas M Papas

Antares Health Products, United States
Speaker at Drug Delivery Events - Sergey Suchkov

Sergey Suchkov

The Russian University of Medicine and Russian Academy of Natural Science-Moscow, Russian Federation

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