HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Valencia, Spain or Virtually from your home or work.
Drug abuse

The term "substance abuse" describes the risky or negative use of psychotropic medications, such as alcohol and illegal narcotics. Substance misuse is when a person uses alcohol, prescription pharmaceuticals, other legal substances, and illegal drugs excessively or improperly. It refers to the potentially harmful use of psychoactive substances that can lead to dependence syndrome, a collection of behavioural, cognitive, and physiological phenomena that typically emerges after repeated substance use and that include a strong desire to consume the narcotic, difficulties managing its use, giving drug use higher priority than some other exercises and obligations, increased intolerance, and occasionally a physical withdrawal state. It is important to note that substance misuse differs from addiction in that must be noted that substance abuse is distinct from addiction in that people with serious mental issues can quit or change their unhealthy behaviour, whereas gambling addiction could indeed stop that using prescription medications or materials even when they cause harm. Substance abuse refers to the risky or harmful use of addictive substances.

Committee Members
Speaker at Pharmaceutical Conference - Consolato M Sergi

Consolato M Sergi

Universities of Alberta and Ottawa, Canada
Speaker at Drug Delivery Events - Vladlen Slepak

Vladlen Slepak

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, United States
Speaker at Drug Delivery Events -  Andreas M Papas

Andreas M Papas

Antares Health Products, United States
Speaker at Drug Delivery Events - Sergey Suchkov

Sergey Suchkov

The Russian University of Medicine and Russian Academy of Natural Science-Moscow, Russian Federation

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