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Speaker at Drug Delivery Events - Joanna Jaworska
Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Title : Poly(glycolide-?-caprolactone) and poly(glycolide-?-caprolactone-D,L-lactide) coatings enriched with ciprofloxacin formed on metallic implants


Caprolactone-based polymers are willingly used as a biodegradable materials with desirable properties. They are frequently used as a drug delivery systems for controlled release of different active substances like: antibiotics, growth factors, and hormones. They are mostly copolymers composed of L,L or D,L-lactide and ?-caprolactone. Titanium (Ti) is widely used as a biomedical material since it has extraordinary mechanical properties, high corrosion resistance and satisfactory inherent osseointegration ability. It is used in orthopedic and dental applications. Its biomedical applications are connected with their good biocompatibility and corrosion resistance. From the other hand, the use of metallic implants for medical applications is associated with some complications, such as: bone infection, pain, metallic staining of the surrounding tissue, device failure, muscular necrosis, periprosthetic fibrosis and loosening of prosthesis. Metallic implants are constantly modified in order to overcome these difficulties.
     Biodegradable coatings containing caprolactone units additionally enriched with ciprofloxacin formed on Ti6Al4V alloys have been developed. The polymer coatings were investigated as a carrier for ciprofloxacin-antibacterial drug. Coatings have been obtained according to the dip-coating method. Two kinds of polymers containing caprolactone units have been used: poly(glycolide-?-caprolactone) and poly(glycolide-?-caprolactone-D,L-lactide). The properties of the layered metal/polymer+drug system have been presented and the influence of the kind of polymer on the drug release has been evaluated. Different types of drug release profile depend on the type of used system. The CFX release from poly(glycolide-?-caprolactone) is uniform with one stage, contrary to poly(glycolide-?-caprolactone-D,L-lactide). The mechanism of ciprofloxacin release from GCap and GCapL matrices is different.
    The objective of presented study was the comparison of ciprofloxacin releasing bioresorbable coatings made of copolymer and terpolymer: poly(glycolide-?-caprolactone) and poly(glycolide-?-caprolactone-D,L-lactide) on titanium-based prototype forms of the  implants.

The work is the result of the research project No. 2015/19/B/ST5/03431 funded by the National Science Centre

Audience take away:
• Which factors influence the release mechanism of the drug from biodegradable coatings on metallic implants, 
• what should be taken into an account during designing of metallic implants with biodegradable coatings,
• How to extend the function of metallic implants- to provide the therapeutic function
• how the research provide practical solution to a problem which  concern medical implants like complications connected e.g. with bone infection


Joanna Jaworska have finished Silesian University, faculty of Chemistry in 2004, then I started my scientific work in  Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials of Polish Academy of Sciences. During my PhD work I have analyzed the degradation process of different aliphatic polyesters used in medicine by means Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. After PhD (in 2011) I focused on designing and developing various drug delivery systems where I incorporated different active substances like: anti-inflammatory drugs, cytostatics, antirestenotic drugs. Currently, my research concern biodegradable coatings on medical implants with ability to release the drug.
