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Speaker at Pharmaceutical Conference - Hassan Saeiahan
Iran University of Medical science, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Title : Methotrexate induced liver and renal toxicity management by cornus mas: Back to nature antioxidants in fighting drug side effects


Methotrexate, abbreviated MTX and formerly known as amethopterin, is an antineoplastic, antimetabolite and antifulate drug. It is used in treatment of cancer, autoimmune diseases, ectopic pregnancy, and for the induction of medical abortions. Disturbances in the normal redox state of cells can cause toxic effects through the production of peroxides and free radicals that damage all components of the cell, including proteins, lipids, and DNA. Natural antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables, which provide protection against free radicals, can decrease the incidence and mortality rates of cancer and heart diseases, in addition to their other health benefits. Cornus mas fruits have anthocyanins, flavonoids, and plenty of oxalic acid content. It also contains antioxidant substances including butyrate hydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene, and has the potential to fight cancer. The present study indicated the hepatoprotective and Nephroprotective effects of cornus mas fruit extract in methotrexate induced renal and liver injury in rat model.

Audience take away:

  • They will know the Cornus Mas fruit extract benefits and antioxidant capacity.
  • This study may show a new way for studying the Cornus mas fruit active components.
  • This study illustrated that cornus mas can be used as anti-side effect natural drug, beside cytotoxic drugs.
  • Audience can reach out to the ingredients and active molecules of this natural drug.


Hassan Saeiahan is the Medical Genetics master student at Iran University of medical science, Tehran, Iran. Hassan Saei received the B.Sc. degree in Animal biology from the University of Tabriz, Iran in 2017. He has the honor of 1st grade and highest G.P.A in the field and obtained Silver medal at National Biology Olympiad 2017. He also got 9th rank in cellular and molecular biology master entrance exam over 13086 participants. He also done several researches about natural drugs and drug side effects and published a book and several papers at renowned journals.
