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HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Valencia, Spain or Virtually from your home or work.
Speaker at Pharma Conferences - Razan Ghattas Mhanna
Razan Ghattas Mhanna
Lebanese International University, Lebanon


Dr. Mhanna has earned her Bachelor degree in pharmacy and pharmD degree at Lebanese Inetrnational University since 2013. She had attended many conferences (local and international), and participated through posters in the ASHP and University of Cairo,  presented two lectures at two Lebanese university hospitals (AUBMC and BGUH), and published one paper in the International Journal of Pharmacy Practice about incidence of iron deficiency anemia and its risk factors in the Lebanese infants. Nowadays, she teaches at the Lebanese International University, as a clinical assistant professor, variety of courses from pre-pharmacy, therapeutics and advanced pharmacy practice experience.

Keynote Presentation (In-Person)