Marcelo Nacucchio is Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology, School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Member of National Academy of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of Argentina, Real National Academy of Pharmacy of Spain (Madrid), Real Acadèmia de Farmàcia de Catalunya (Barcelona), Peruvian Academy of Pharmacy (Lima, Perú) and the Iberoamerican Academy of Pharmacy (Seville/Granada-Spain).
He has published more than 40 peer review papers, co-authored 5 books chapters, Editor of book Topics in Pharmaceutical Technology (Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires-in press), as well more than 100 presentations in international events. He is or has been Member of the editorial board of several scientific journals like Journal of Controlled Release (Elsevier), Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology (Elsevier former Ed. De la Santé)), Latin American Journal of Pharmacy (Argentina), Annals of the National Academy of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (Argentina), etc. Member of the scientific board of the Argentine National Pharmacopeia (Ministry of Health, Argentina). Organizer and Member of several scientific committees of meetings in Argentina, USA, France, Brazil, México, Perú, Germany, Spain, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia, Hungary, UK, etc. President of Science and Technology dept. Argentinian Pharmaceutical Laboratories Chamber. Founder and Scientific secretary of Controlled Release Society, Argentinian Chapter.
Awarded 8 times for your contributions in the Science and Technology (Ministry of Science and Technology, National, Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Buenos Aires) as well Entrepreneurial activities (Fundación Invertir, BBVA, MAPFRE Foundation, FUNPRECIT Foundation, Presidency of the Argentine Nation).
Title : Nanostructured biomaterials and technologies for bone regeneration